
LYHT Lanterns are small tools of the LYHT Methodology dripped into your inbox to help lyhtworkers spread joy and abundance throughout the world.

Lyhtworkers understand that a planet of fully aligned beings, living their lives without limitations in their abilities or self-expression, will create a collectively-elevated consciousness and, thus, lift the vibration of the planet.


There are 3 parts of becoming a LYHTworker:

  1. Lift Your Vibration

    *Cultivate self-alignment and self-love …

    1. Are you living your passions and in alignment with your true self?

    2. Do you radiate a sense of purpose from the inner core of your being?

  2. Shift Someone Else's

    *Send LYHT to someone who benefit …

    1. Lift their vibration simply by sharing thoughts of care and awareness that they, too, matter to the collective consciousness important to healing this world.

  3. Gift Someone Else’s

    *Give the gift of LYHT to someone else …

    1. We live in abundance. We live in abundance. We live in abundance!




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The LYHT Methodology consists of practices and mindsets for your daily life to help you stay present and learn to master your intuition so you can live a life aligned to your purpose. 

  1. Six Realms of LYHT - living life in alignment 

  2. FOUR Principles of Intuition - mastering intuition 

  3. TWO Principles of Alignment - fine-tuning decisions 

  4. Self Love Practice - expanding self love

  5. Future Visualization - the future of your dreams

  6. Find Your Why: Is an exercise to get to the real reason behind all that you do. 

  7. ThinkPad - goals, flow and creativity 

  8. Body Temple Visualization - discovering a deeper level of love, respect and honor for you physical body

  9. Intuition vs Instinct - logical mind vs spiritual being


Maya McClean, Founder

LYHT was founded by Maya McClean and is an extension of her life's work of following her passions, lessons learned and a methodology she created for aligning and realigning to your purpose in order to live your highest truth.

She is dedicated to connecting people to their intuition and a mindset that supports spiritual, personal and physical life growth and believes that we can collectively contribute to lifting the vibration of the planet if we, first, align ourselves to our highest elevation then contribute to others.